Frequently Asked Questions

illustrated characters on an undulating landscape. One rubbing his head with a question mark bubble next to a car and the other on a skateboard.
If you can't find the answer you are looking for below, please contact our HQ team just here.
Is the challenge free to take part in?

Yes!  Absolutely free.  You might even save money if, instead of taking your car everywhere you are now walking, running, biking, scootering, carpooling or catching the bus.

Can i take part if my city isn't involved yet?

Yes!  Sign up and select Nomads as your team.  You’ll be competing alongside people from towns and cities not yet signed up.  You’ll be a trailblazing leader for change in your area.  And if you want to know more about getting the challenge into your are the Wednesday Challenge HQ team.

I don't see my city or town on the challenge website but I'd love us to be involved. What do I do?

Contact Wednesday Challenge HQ. We may already have contacts in your area with your environment centre or local councils or you might be part of these organisations and keen to talk

Can sign my school up?

Absolutely.  If your city or town has signed up to do the Challenge we’d love to have your school or tertiary participate.  The schools and tertiaries set up is a little different to the individual and business set up.  Contact the Wednesday Challenge Schools Coordinator in your town or city or contact Wednesday Challenge HQ and we will walk you through the process.

How can my business be involved?

Sign up yourself as an individual, then create a team for your businesses or even several teams if you have different departments.  Invite your work colleagues to join your team/s and start logging points.  Each Wednesday when you log your individual journeys you’ll get points for yourself and points for any business teams you’ve created.

I use Strava to record my running/biking/ exercise. Does it integrate with the challenge journey logging?

Yes! Strava is one of our travel partners.  Have a look on the web app and you will see you can select Strava and it will automatically record your journeys and accrue points for you.

What if I commute by car on a Wednesday?

Whilst you won’t get any points for jumping in a car by yourself we still encourage you to log your journeys.  We understand sometimes you just need to take your car and it will hopefully be outweighed by the number of Wednesday’s when you don’t and you earn points for choosing one of our preferred challenge modes.  Logging every journey on a Wednesday, no matter what mode you use, also allows us to record accurate data of mode usage across all participants.

Also you could consider setting up a carpool team with your workmates.  Get yourself some company in the car and now you’re earning points on a Wednesday!

What if I forget to log a journey on a Wednesday?

No panic.  We understand that some weeks you’ll be busy and forget.  Just jump into the web app when you remember and log your journeys that you forgot to do.  You can log up to 3 previous Wednesdays.

Do I get points if I work from home

YES!  Even though it’s not a ‘journey’ you can log on a Wednesday that you’re working from home.  It earns you one point for that day. We reward you with a point as it means you didn’t jump in a car to get around.